Strategy April 2022 | Surrey Australian Equities Fund Investment

We are pleased to share the strategy update where we provide you insights from the portfolio, discussing the Funds return of -2.0% for the month of April, relative to the XSOAI return of -1.5%, and our thoughts moving forward. The three-year after-fee gain now totals +8.8% per annum (outperforming the XSOAI per annum gain of +7.6%) while our sum after-fee return since inception is +34.6%. You can access April 2022, Investment Strategy Update here.

In our December 2021 newsletter, we called out a number of “Themes to look for in 2022”.  These have been playing out so as we approach the midpoint of the year we thought it timely to revisit some in more detail with reference back to how our portfolio is constructed.  Topics include:

  • Increases in bond yields/inflation
  • Strong balance sheets leading to Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
  • Lingering impacts of COVID-19

The Fund is open to new investors, links to the Information Memorandum and applications are via the links below. Applications for new and existing investors are now paperless and can be made online.

Thank you for your ongoing interest.


Nick Maclean & Michael Woolhouse

Directors & Portfolio Managers

Surrey Asset Management

Email: Mobile: 0425 726 305

Email: Mobile : 0409 145 645